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First International Centre to achieve:
Tribute to Peter Green
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre Medical Director & Newly Announced CEO Featured in Prestigious Global Publication
participating in MOvember 2011
Accountants with Mo's supports Movember.
Sorry Online donations are closed for this Event - if you would still like to make a donation please email finance@chc.bm or call 236 1001 for payment details
Group picture of the Small But Mighty Mos of JAMB before they shaved circa October 26, 2011. The MoSistas of Jupiter are having to working extremely hard to encourage this team. With incentives already being offered to the MoBro who brings in the most!
Come on and help us all raise awareness (and money !!!) to go towards, firstly, the prevention but secondly, the treatment of some of the diseases that men are prone to getting, and shy about having. It's for a great cause. Also, as a worker in the health care industry, this cause really hits close to home. Thanks for the sponsorship and kind messages. Chan
Please help support this worthy cause.
Support this great cause, and watch my moustache blossom!
Please help a great cause.
A good cause deserves good facial hair. Help support cancer research.
Please support the good cause!
Update after week 2…you will notice that we have passed our target of $3000, and are currently at $3640 (plus approx another 600 that has been donated in person). That does not mean that we are done, just means that the target was too low. The target now is to raise as much as we possibly can. Check out our 1wk growth - looks like some of us need more encouragement than others. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Movember-Bermuda/109710852444414 Dear Friends/Family/Colleagues, As you may know, Team Amlin has put forward a team of brave men to support Movember, an annual month long event involving growing a moustache to raise awareness and funds for men's health issues. The team includes: - Justin Morley - Rob Wyatt - Richard Holden - Alun Thomas - Adam Champion - Peter Tadman - Ben Hodge - Ben Savill - Jack Ellison - Andrew Shaw If you know any of these gentlemen, you will know how ridiculous they will look with a moustache, and you will understand how important this is to all of us. It is a great cause, and any contributions towards reaching our target will be greatly appreciated. Hopefully in a month we will be able to tell you smashed our target! We will be sending out picture updates of our -stache progress. You can either contact someone you know on the list above for an update, or email andrew.shaw@amlin.bm Many Thanks, Team Amlin
In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself, so i say only you can grow that moustache which will raise money for this great cause>>>
Donate cash, for my 'stache!!! picture is day 1 the shave
Hi. I hope the amount raised this year will grow far better than my somewhat flimsy moustache :-)
Movember is an annual, month-long event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness and funds for men's health issues, such as prostate and testicular cancer. After deliberating this event for some time and peer pressure I decided to participate. This is where i need your help. To make this worthwhile I would like for you to help me raise $500.
Any donations in any amount are welcome. Please help support "Movember".
Hi all please support me in raising awareness for prostrate cancer and other male cancer initiatives by donating some dollars. I will growing my stache as part of Movember. I will post weekly photos on my Facebook and Twitter stream to keep everyone posted on my progress. @migueldaponte Thanks much!!
To raise awareness and support Mens Health Programs in Bermuda. I am also a member of the Small But Mighty Mos of JAMB (Jupiter Asset Management (Bermuda)). The MoSistas of Jupiter are working extremely hard to encourage our team. With incentives already being offered to the MoBro who brings in the most! Thank you for your Support
I'm doing this partly due to my fond memories of Tom Selleck in Magnum PI, but mostly to help gain awareness for men's health
pls sponsor me... thanks.
So its about time I gave this a bash. I've never tried the mo thing and was likely never going to, so please try keep me motivated throughout the month and donate for your pleasure, my embarrassment and of course for the good cause!
Hi Guys, Just doing my part to raise awareness for mens health! help me reach my goal and sport the sexiest mustaches on this Island! mo-money, mo- mustache!
Please Help Myself and our football team, reach our goal of Raising $6000 for Mens Health this Movember. Every Little Helps: Movember madness has taken a hold of Flanagan's Onions Football Club to create Mo Bros. We have 17 team players ready to face the challenge head on and allow their facial hair to grow offside: Nicholas Barrett, Will Elgar, Darragh Odonoghue, Nicholas Bailey, Lee Osborne, Ian Oldfield, Rich Cumbers, Nicolas Plianthos, Clem Murdoch, David Martin, Robbie Bell, Augusto Arrarte, Simon Gregory, Sam Oshaugnessy, Darryl Van-Heerden, Mark Dunlop, and Philip Matthews. These Onions are willing to face the penalty of looking ridiculous throughout November, gaining red cards for their poor appearance and display of facial hair, as long as it helps to raise awareness of tackle and balls. Being footballers, an improved awareness of tackle and balls could be crucial in the games ahead and help push the Onions to the top. Please help the boys in orange, red and blue score their goal! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?cropsuccess&id=657960462#!/MROnionsFC
Team Fidelity FuManchu, supporting the Mo and supporting the Bro.
Can I raise $5,000 for Men's Health Month? Help me "give a grow" by pledging your support for this worthy cause - no amount is too small. Moustache style suggestions welcome of course!
Inspired by the 'Mo's' or lack there of from last years Movemeber event I figured I'd give my 'Mo' a go this year. The bigger picture of it being for charity was the kicker! Please suuport me in this great cause! Thanks!
I'm going to look pretty ridiculous so please help make it for a good cause!!! I'll also be doing a time lapse photo log every day as evidence and for my personal records!!!
Last time I had a tash was over 40 years ago. This could be an interesting experience!
Seriously... I'm gonna grow a mustache! My wife is SO not happy, but it's worth it. Donate something so she doesn't kill me!
Please donate generously.
Please support The RenRe MoChachos exceed our target in helping to raise awareness for mens health.
It's MOvember, and I am committed to shave and grow a moustache (a MO) for 30 days to raise money for the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre. Join in and support me by sponsoring in my effort. Every donation counts!
Good day, Thanks so much for your generous support of this initiative. It's my birthday month also so feel free to donate to this very worthy and respectable charity in leau of any gift. My face is itching in anticipation... All the best!
I am a newbie at this, and am psyched. Our company - Altree Financial will match the amount raised by me (up to $2,000) so let's get it going. Picture with 1 weeks growth!
Sounds like a fun way to raise money for a good cause, and an excuse not to shave!
Good Cause!
Let's all get our wallets out and help those who have been affected by any type of cancer. Let's help find the cure!
Support my Mo! This year I will be bringing back "The Malik". I appreciate all the support I can get.
Deon, Stuart, Nigel, Cueva and Derrick have donated their faces for the month of November to raise awareness about men's health. Please show your support by giving a donation to this worthy cause.
Growing for a cause!
We have recruited a baker's dozen good men willing to put their facial hair to the test during Movember.... Andy Fields Dave Horan Adam Griffiths Neville Carley Ralph Woods Richard Cunningham Mark Thorne Eric Totten Charles Lowery Chris Stafford Mark Hamilton Raj Goonewardene Nick Shardlow Andrew Dobson These are all stellar teachers of the Warwick Academy staff willing to sacrifice their top lips for the cause. Team name....The Warwick Academy 13 MO-sketeers Mottos..... "Quo mo ascendam" ....to what heights can our MOs rise. From the 13 MO-sketteers "All for MO and MO for all". Team philosophy.... Multiple MOs are better than no MOs. Raison d'etre.... to bring testicles and prostates into the limelight as breasts have been out in front for too long.
Here to do what I can for men around the world!
Hey Guys, So here is a chance for all of you donate to the Bermuda Cancer and Health Center and watch me grow stupid amounts of facial. So the more we raise the more you laugh. Please give whatever you can . Thanks Jerome
Supporting a great cause!
Hey guys help me raise money for cancer,you'll see me sport the biggest MACstache ever.
A few Quest boys that may not muster one good 'tache between them...but will give it a shot in the name of Tom Selleck and Prostate Cancer...Give what you can!
Please please please give me your support and money for this excellent cause. I can be found displaying my Mo at Bella Cafe in Hamilton most mornings.... come and join me for a laugh (I really do look rather stupid and the cause could really do with your Mo Money)
My chin is bare and may require hair However, My hair is faint and may require paint So spot me a penny to add to the many...
Please help in supporting men's health awareness.
Thanks in advance to those who pledged! :)
Please help me raise funds and awareness for this wonderful organization! Picture 1/2 way point of no return.
Let's help to put an end to Cancer!!
It's important for us all to remember the people who have and will suffer through cancer. It can happen to the healthiest of us.
First time Movember participant. I hope my MO doesn't disappoint!
Please help me to support Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre in its fight against cancer. Thank you for your support!
God willing Ill raise at least 100
God Speed to those men currently fighting prostate cancer
Picture at my 2 week mark! Once again I am growing the MO to raise awareness for Men’s Health because I had so much fun re-designing my moustache last year in support of a great cause. I hoping to raise more this year than I did last year and grow an even bigger and weirder MO.
I am growing a moustache for one month to raise money for the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre. Please sponsor me in my efforts in trying to look ridiculous and collect money for a good cause!
Help people in our community access life-saving healthcare by making a donation.