Make a Donation to Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre

Providing Equal Access


Cancer is costly. It can take a toll on your health, your emotions, your time, your relationships – and your wallet. There will be unexpected charges, and even the best health insurance won’t cover all your costs. 

  • Imagine being a 45-year-old single mother, working hard to educate your two children and provide for them on a daily basis. You know you should have started having screening mammograms when you turned 40, but when faced with paying $326 for a mammogram or $1,200 to licence and insure your car, the car seems to win every year. But with each passing year, the weight of people around you being diagnosed with cancer starts taking a mental toll, and you begin wondering am I the 1 in 8 who will be diagnosed in my lifetime.
  • You have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and are faced with the fact that your treatment could cost between $80,000 - $100,000. The health insurance you have will only cover 60%, or you do not have health insurance at all.

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre believes that everyone should have access to health care. 

As a registered charity we do not charge a co-pay for our clinical services: mammography, ultrasound, breast and prostate biopsies and radiation therapy treatment. Where possible the Centre receives reimbursement from health insurance which helps to cover some of our costs. 

However, not all services are covered 100%, and many people do not have health insurance.  This is where our Equal Access fund helps to subsidise the cost of services at our Centre. This fund is built by you, members of our community. Through your support of our fundraising events, making donations towards the clinical services you receive at our Centre or making a contribution direct to our charity - you are making it possible for us to provide equal access to early detection and cancer treatment to everyone in our community.

THANK YOU for your continued support.

If you have questions about cancer, we have answers:

Everyone Deserves Equal Access!

Help people in our community access life-saving healthcare by making a donation.

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