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Prevention & Early Detection

The American Cancer Society reports that half of all men (1 in 2) and one-third of all women (1 in 3) will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Do what you can to avoid becoming a part of these statistics.

You can reduce your cancer risk - nearly 50% of cancers can be prevented.

Cancer Prevention Tips

Book a Presentation Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre invests in educational campaigns to help our community understand that some cancers can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices and medical screenings, or detected early when successful treatment is more likely. Click here for more information on the topics and to request a FREE presentation. Learn More

Here are 7 ways you can reduce your risk of cancer:
  • Be SunSmart - Slip, Slap, Slope, Seek, Slide - The 5 S's
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet 
  • Exercise Regularly 
  • Live Tobacco-Free 
  • Reduce Alcohol Consumption 
  • Practice safe sex and get immunised
  • Know your family medical history and get regular cancer screenings

Click here for detailed information on each of these

Click here to view the World Health Organisation's Cancer Prevention Recommendations come from our latest Expert Report and from the conclusions of an independent panel of experts

Click here to view Infographic: Diet and Activity Guidelines to Reduce Cancer Risk

To get early diagnosis and treatment to effectively fight cancer, see your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms.
  • A lump in the breast or any part of the body
  • A sore or pain that doesn’t heal
  • A cough that doesn’t go away
  • A new mole or change(s) in a mole
  • Changes in your bowel or bladder habits
  • Unusual discharge or bleeding
  • Unexplained weight loss or gain
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Discomfort after eating
  • Frequently tired or weak

Check out Bermuda's Cancer Screening Guidelines here.

Find cancer early! Breast, cervical, skin, colorectal and prostate cancers may be found early or prevented by having regular cancer screening tests. Our Services

If you have questions about cancer, we have answers:

Everyone Deserves Equal Access!

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