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Digital mammography is a safe, low-dose x-ray picture of the breast that allows early detection of breast cancer. We have 2 state-of-the-art digital mammography units, which are accredited by the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) Mammography Accreditation Program (MAP)

Mammography machine - Bermuda CHC

Access the Bermuda ‘Integrated Care in Bermuda: Understanding Breast Health’ booklet

Breast Health & Cancer Pathway Booklet

Screening Recommendations

  • Yearly mammograms are recommended starting at age 40 and continuing for as long as a woman is in good health
  • Clinical breast exam (CBE) about every 3 years for women in their 20s and 30s and every year for women 40 and over
  • Women should know how their breasts normally look and feel and report any breast change promptly to their health care provider. Breast self-exam (BSE) is an option for women starting in their 20s.

Schedule your 40+ Screening Mammogram If you are 40 years and older you can book you screening mammogram directly with our centre , no referral needed! If you are under 40, please ask your doctor for a referral and we will be happy to schedule you in. Inquire Now

Cost of this service

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre offer both screening and diagnostic mammograms and costs are 100% covered by insurance, there is no co-pay. If you are currently uninsured the cost of your mammogram may be covered by our Equal Access Fund.  You can make an appointment either online or by calling 236-1001.

Our team
GE Senographe Pristina is the ONLY FDA approved 3D mammography
Senographe Pristina

Mammography Accreditation Program (MAP)

The CAR Mammography Accreditation Program (MAP) is an initiative instituted over 20 years ago to ensure that the quality of mammography images meets the highest standards. This voluntary program offers radiologists the opportunity for peer review and evaluation of their facility’s staff qualifications, equipment performance, quality control and quality assurance programs, image quality, dose and processor quality control.

Read more here.

Technologists Receive Advanced Mammography Positioning Training

In the spring of 2023, our team of technologists successfully completed a comprehensive refresher course in Mammography Positioning Training. This training, conducted by Mammography Educators, has equipped our technologists with the latest techniques and methodologies to enhance precision and patient care.

Read more here.

If you have questions about cancer, we have answers:

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