Make a Donation to Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre

Commemorative Tile Wall

Purchase a tile on our Commemorative Tile Wall to acknowledge milestone occasions, remember those we have lost and celebrate those who have survived. The Commemorative Tile Wall is located in our entryway and features backlit, coloured tiles with names, company logos, and messages in memory or in honour. 100% of your donation will support our Equal Access Fund, subsidising the cost of services for those without health insurance, or where insurance does not cover the full cost.

Commemorative Wall Tile

Tiles are available within three donation tiers: Tier 1: $500 - Outer Boarder // Tier 2: $1000 – Inner Boarder // Tier 3: $1500 – Centre Purchase at the Boutique

Want to find out more?

If you have questions about cancer, we have answers:

Everyone Deserves Equal Access!

Help people in our community access life-saving healthcare by making a donation.

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