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First International Centre to achieve:
Tribute to Peter Green
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre Medical Director & Newly Announced CEO Featured in Prestigious Global Publication
Sorry Online donations are closed for this Event - if you would still like to make a donation please email finance@chc.bm or call 236 1001 for payment details
Please Help Myself and our football team, reach our goal of Raising $6000 for Mens Health this Movember. Every Little Helps: Movember madness has taken a hold of Flanagan's Onions Football Club to create Mo Bros. We have 17 team players ready to face the challenge head on and allow their facial hair to grow offside: Nicholas Barrett, Will Elgar, Darragh Odonoghue, Nicholas Bailey, Lee Osborne, Ian Oldfield, Rich Cumbers, Nicolas Plianthos, Clem Murdoch, David Martin, Robbie Bell, Augusto Arrarte, Simon Gregory, Sam Oshaugnessy, Darryl Van-Heerden, Mark Dunlop, and Philip Matthews. These Onions are willing to face the penalty of looking ridiculous throughout November, gaining red cards for their poor appearance and display of facial hair, as long as it helps to raise awareness of tackle and balls. Being footballers, an improved awareness of tackle and balls could be crucial in the games ahead and help push the Onions to the top. Please help the boys in orange, red and blue score their goal! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?cropsuccess&id=657960462#!/MROnionsFC
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is looking for a few good men... Willing to change the face of men’s health.
Must be willing to grow facial hair (MO-Bro)Must be willing to solicit friends, co- workers and relatives for the cause (MO-money)Must be willing to accept prizes for a job well done (MO-fab)
If this is you... please participate in Movember Facial hair for a causeSign up on line and get growing!.....Details:
Sign up by November 1st - click on Sign Up Now button above and sign up as a team or individual (have a picture and info blurb ready to enter when prompted)Show up at Robin Hood and meet other Mo-Bros Solicit funds (mo–money mo-better!) by directing supporters to your sponsorship pageSubmit pictures and comments ( Mo-famous) by emailing info@chc.bmParticipate in Mo Events – Beer tastings, contests details to followFeel good
Why do it?
To support Men's Health Programmes in BermudaJust because you want a reason to grow that Mo :)
Help people in our community access life-saving healthcare by making a donation.