Make a Donation to the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre

MOvember 2011



November 2011



December 2011

Robin Hood

Event Information

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is looking for a few good men... Willing to change the face of men’s health.


Must be willing to grow facial hair (MO-Bro)
Must be willing to solicit friends, co- workers and relatives for the cause (MO-money)
Must be willing to accept prizes for a job well done (MO-fab)

 If this is you... please participate in Movember  
Facial hair for a cause
Sign up on line and get growing!.....


Sign up by November 1st  - click on Sign Up Now button above and sign up as a team or individual (have a picture and info blurb ready to enter when prompted)
Show up at Robin Hood and meet other Mo-Bros 
Solicit funds (mo–money mo-better!) by directing supporters to your sponsorship page
Submit pictures and comments ( Mo-famous) by emailing
Participate in Mo Events – Beer tastings, contests details to follow
Feel good

Why do it?

To support Men's Health Programmes in Bermuda
Just because you want a reason to grow that Mo :)

More Information

MOvember is a commitment to shave and grow a moustache  (a MO) for 30 days.  During that time we ask you to approach your friends, family and coworkers to support you in the growth of your MO! 

November 1st at 5:30 pm at Robin Hood - Shave Clean

There we will have 2 qualified barbers (razors in hand) from The Cutting Room to shave any growth you currently have.  There will be beer specials and lots of pictures and of course there will be prizes at the end of the month for a few hard working MO-Bros!

November 14th at 5:30 pm at Robin Hood - Midway Growth

November 30th at 5:30pm at Robin Hood - MoFinale


We encourage you to shamelessly promote your MO! Suggestions include posting the new you on your Facebook page and encouraging comments, pictures, funds and friends to assist.  Or send us your pictures at  Other suggestions include encouraging your work mates to join you as a MO-Bro! 


Ask your friends to visit  and sponsor you online.

The rules

  • Once registered with each mo-Bro must begin the 1st of November with a clean shaven face
  • For the entire month of Movember each Mo-Bro must grow and groom a moustache
  • There is no joining of the mo to your side burns (that’s considered a beard!)
  • There is no joining of the handlebars to your chin (That’s considered a goatee!)
  • Each Mo-Bro must conduct himself like a true gentleman.

If you have questions about cancer, we have answers:

Everyone Deserves Equal Access!

Help people in our community access life-saving healthcare by making a donation.

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