Event Information
Let everyone know they just need to grab something pink, wear it on the agreed day, and donate $5 to Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.
We will deliver a package to you with participation stickers and a poster to display to help encourage support.
Be a PINK Ambassador - Fundraise, Volunteer, Participate!
More Information
Get together with your friends and family, or organise a Wear it PINK event at your local club, organisation or office.
STEP 1: Set the date – the official Wear it PINK Denim Day day is Friday 4 October 2013. If this doesn't work for you, you can still join in - just choose any day that is convenient!
STEP 2: Invite everyone to join in the fun. Why not announce it at your next meeting, put a note in your newsletter or send out an email to the members?
STEP 3: Register your organisation or school by completing and sending this form to dnarraway@chc.bm, it is that easy.