Make a Donation to the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre

MOvember Bermuda™ 2024

November 1st 2024

Aspen Bermuda Limited needs your help

fundraising target $5000
donations so far $0
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Aspen Bermuda Limited

Why am I doing this?

Aspen and our employee-led Gender And Identity Network (GAIN) are proud to support the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre's Movember campaign. The Gender And Identity Network aims to create a safe space that cultivates and supports gender equity and inclusion in the workplace - collaborating with colleagues to learn, educate and dismantle barriers, by promoting allyship and developing opportunities for growth across the business. Join us in cultivating a culture of inclusivity and empowerment.

About the Event

  1. Sign up at to grow, move, or host an event!

  2. Grow a MO-ustache or a beard for 30 days! Use your moustache and/or beard growth during MOvember to have conversations about men’s health and raise funds and awareness. If you have a moustache or beard, you can skip your trim and outline appointments, go rugged for the month.

  3. Host a MO-ment go big or keep it simple, it’s all about having fun for a good cause. Get your friends and colleagues together for a bowling night, cards and board games, a round of golf or maybe a classic BBQ. Whatever you love to do, turn it into a fundraiser! Ask everyone to donate towards Men’s Health.

  4. MO-ve more and do more of what makes you feel good.

  5. Make Man Time and stay connected. Your friends and family are important and spending time with your guys is good for you. Catch up regularly, check in and make time to have conversations, especially about the tough stuff.

Once you have registered, you can set up your online fundraising page HERE (have team name, photo and a blurb on why you are participating ready).

You are also invited to celebrate at the MOvember Finale event, Friday MOvember 29th.

If you have questions about cancer, we have answers:

Everyone Deserves Equal Access!

Help people in our community access life-saving healthcare by making a donation.

Donate Today