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Tag Day Volunteers Needed

June 17th and 18th are our annual Purple Tag Days and we are seeking volunteers to assist with tagging and deliveries. Are you able to volunteer an hour or two?

Purple Tag Days are fun and provide a wonderful opportunity to catch up with people you have not seen in a while. We look forward to seeing many of you out and about. 


Purple Tag Days

Friday June 17th in the City of Hamilton

Saturday, June 18th Island-wide at your neighbourhood grocery store.

3 Team Leaders Needed:

We have 3 locations for Saturday June 18th where we are looking for a team leader - someone who would assist us by recruiting volunteers for that specific location. If you live near any of these locations or have a pool of friends or colleagues who might volunteer please let us know and we can provide you with the details.

Leader for Saturday June 18th locations:
Shelly Bay Market Place
Paget Pharmacy
Heron Bay Market Place


Volunteers Needed:
We have a number of available slots on both the Friday and Saturday rosters. Help is also needed with bucket delivery on Wednesday, June 15th and Thursday, June 16th. Let us know if you are available. If you are able to volunteer please send us an email or call 236-1001.

We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you.

If you have questions about cancer, we have answers:

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