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LungSmart Programme

Smoking is the leading cause of premature, preventable death.

The consequences of tobacco use (including products other than conventional cigarettes) have become a global concern. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that about 4 million people die every year of tobacco-related diseases and that without effective international tobacco control programs, the annual death toll will increase to as many as 10 million by 2030, 7 million among people in developing countries.

LungSmart Youth Programme This aim of this programme is to educate children using an interactive evidence based presentation on the dangers of tobacco so that they can make informed decisions regarding smoking. The consequences of tobacco use (including products other than conventional cigarettes) have become a global concern. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that about 4 million people die every year of tobacco-related diseases and that without effective international tobacco control programs, the annual death toll will increase to as many as 10 million by 2030, 7 million among people in developing countries. Smoking is by far the most significant preventable cause of cancer. LungSmart is offered in collaboration with Open Airways.

Lung Cancer in Bermuda

  • 2015 - 23 incidence of lung cancer were reported, making it the 5th leading cancer diagnosis (6th in women, 3rd in men).
  • 2014 - 16 incidence of lung cancer were reported, making it the 5th leading cancer diagnosis (3rd in men, did not register in top 4 for women).
  • 2012 - 31 incidence of lung cancer were reported, making it the 3rd leading cancer diagnosis (5th in women, 2nd in men).
  • Source: Bermuda National Tumour Registry Annual Reports 2012 – 2016

Reduce Your Risk & Early Detection There are ways to reduce your risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer and early detection is key to successful treatment. Learn More

Quit Today Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and disease. Smoking causes immediate damage to your body, which can lead to long-term health problems. The only proven strategy to protect yourself from harm is to never smoke, and if you do smoke or use tobacco products, to quit. Find local Smoking Cessation Programmes here

About Lung Cancer There are different types of lung cancer. Knowing which type you have is important because it affects your treatment options and your outlook (prognosis). If you aren’t sure which type of lung cancer you have, ask your doctor so you can get the right information. Learn More

If you have questions about cancer, we have answers:

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