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UV Index

The UV Index represents the amount of skin damaging UV radiation reaching the earth’s surface at any instance of time.

The UV Index is a useful tool to help people take steps to reduce their exposure to solar UV radiation. It is reported as a prediction of the UV level at noon, although the actual UV level rises and falls as the day progresses.

  • The UV Index level may vary on any given day
  • Too much exposure to UV radiation and the number of sunburns experienced, especially during childhood, increases your risk of skin cancer.
  • Exposure to UV radiation enables the body to  produce vitamin D, an important nutrient in bone development and maintenance.  A balance is  required between UV radiation exposure for vitamin D production and protecting the skin from damage and skin cancer.
  • Most people achieve adequate vitamin D levels through UVB exposure during typical day-to-day outdoor activities.  In summer you just need to expose your face, arms and hands or the equivalent area of skin for a few minutes of sunlight each day on either side of the peak UV periods.  Naturally dark skinned individuals need longer exposure. 

UV Index

There are three types of UV radiation: UVA, UVB and UVC.

  • UVA is principally responsible for aging of the skin.
  • UVB and UVA are key contributors for skin cancer.
  • UVB is responsible for burning.
  • UVC is blocked by the ozone layer

The Bermuda Weather Service now posts a daily UV risk.

Check the UV Index when:       

  • Planning or participating in an outdoor activity or event
  • Involved in recreational activities such as running, swimming, cycling or team sports
  • Watching a spectator sport, such as tennis or cricket
  • Working outdoors, or have responsibility for out-door workers, or
  • Responsible for children or adolescents and their outdoor activities.

When SunSmart UV Alert times apply, you need to be SunSmart during the period indicated.

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