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Know Your Lemons: 12 Signs of Breast Cancer with Corinne Beaumont

Breast cancer is a significant global health concern. One in eight women will face breast cancer at some point in their lives. Many women may not know what to look for during self-checks. In an episode featuring Cody and Corrine Beaumont from "Know Your Lemons," listeners learn about the 12 signs of breast cancer beyond just lumps, as well as how to perform self-exams and when to do them in their monthly cycles. 

Breast cancer is a significant global health concern. One in eight women will face breast cancer at some point in their lives. Many women may not know what to look for during self-checks. In an episode featuring Cody and Corrine Beaumont from "Know Your Lemons," listeners learn about the 12 signs of breast cancer beyond just lumps, as well as how to perform self-exams and when to do them in their monthly cycles. Early detection is crucial, with the World Health Organization emphasizing that one-third of breast cancer deaths could be prevented if detected and treated early, potentially saving nearly 400,000 lives annually. This episode is a must-listen and share for all women.


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About the guest:

When Corrine Beaumont lost her grandmothers to breast cancer, she wanted to know what she should be doing for her breast health, but wasn’t able to find information that simply answered the basic questions. As a designer, she decided to do something about the lack of engaging information available. So she moved to London, got a PhD in patient communication and tested and refined the best ways to educate breast health information for a diverse audience. Later on when her close friend died from the disease, she left her job as a business professor, and started the charity with her own savings. In 2017, Corinne founded the Know Your Lemons Foundation, a global charity with a groundbreaking campaign teaching women all over the world the signs and symptoms of breast cancer in a unique and visual way.


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Cody Sanders @codyjeansanders

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