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MOvember - The Shave Off

Our thanks and congratulations go to our 80 MO-Bro's who collectively raised over $59,000 for Men's Health!!!

All together we had 80 men sign up and participate as MO-Bros and grow a MO.  This is 80 men out explaining their growth and talking about men’s health.  Outstanding!

On Tuesday night at the MO-Finale we had nearly 40 MO-Bros in attendance and we're pleased to announce that so far we have raised over $59,000 with funds still coming in. It was great to have so many of you at the MO-Finale on Tuesday night.

The Men’s Health Voucher programme has also been a big success. 102 vouchers were issued – 102 men, many without insurance and many who have not seen a doctor in years, will be getting and Annual Physical and talking to their doctor about their health.  Amazing!


MO-PROMO –Somers Kempe, M&M International – DVD player

THE LAME MO – Carlos Rego, Pitt & Co prize – 1 case of Dos Equis Amber and 1 bottle of Vodka

THE ULTIMATE MO runners up – Greg Reid and John Dale, Brown & Co- Braun Series 1 handheld rechargeable Razors

THE ULTIMATE MO – Matthew Bollands (See picture), Ptech – Boston Acoustics Speaker System for computers

MO-MO-MONEY – Andrew Hern ($9,896!), M3 Wireless – iphone 3

Platinum Members who each rasied over $1000 - Andrew Hern, Thom Strange, Graham Jack, Matthew Irvine, Somers Kempe, Davil Miller, Richard Boyd, Brendan Huttick, Bruce Barritt, Scott Amon, Peter Logie, Jonathan Rawdon, John Dale, Matthew Bollands, Jason Pethick.

Many thanks to everyone who was involved in our Men's Health Month 2010!

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