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May is Melanoma Awareness Month

Melanoma does not discriminate against age, skin colour or ethniicity.  The cancer causing damage to your skin generally happens before you are 18years of age.  Watch this powerful message.

Watch this powerful message.

Here is a quiz which will help you determine how safe you are being in the sun. 

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre Fact Sheets:

15 Myths about Sun Protection

Frequently asked question about Sunscreen


Skin Alphabet


To learn more and to find additional prevention tools please visit these sites:

American Cancer Society

The David Cornfield Melanoma Fund    Great source of information and downloadable mole tracking sheets and video of “16 year old me”

If you have questions about cancer, we have answers:

Everyone Deserves Equal Access!

Help people in our community access life-saving healthcare by making a donation.

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