FREE PUBLIC HEALTH PRESENTATION - Dr. Hilda Dunsmore, Department of Health will be presenting information on cervical health, prevention and screening tests. Thursday January 20th at 6:30pm BUEI.
Cervical Health Awareness - HPV vaccine recommended for females ages 11yrs+ Learn why this is important.
FREE Public Talk at Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute
Thursday, January 20 @ 6:30pm Presentation (5:30pm Doors open, Information Tables)
Guest speaker - Dr. Hilda Dunsmore, Medical Officer, Department of Health. Learn the basics about cervical health, the importance of regular testing, when to seek help and how a simple HPV vaccine can help protect against cervical cancer.
Health Information Tables 5:30-6:30pm: Blood pressure and glucose screening; Resources available regardless of your health insurance status; Representatives from 2 leading pharmaceutical companies on hand to discuss the HPV vaccine.
Call 236-0949 to register today!
For more information visit