Event Registration

Registration is OPEN, join us.

We consider teams to be the heart and soul of Relay For Life. Without teams, this entire event would not be possible!

Register a Team

Teams start with a Team Captain (TC). TCs can register and set up their team profiles (team name, why you Relay, fundraising goal) and can then send a link to team members, who can register themselves, or the TC can register everyone at the same time.

Register Here

Please note: Team Registration, Survivor and Caregiver registrations, are completed on the Bermuda Relay website.

Having trouble registering - Book a Help Session

Teams and Toolkits

Now that you have a team - what next? There are information sessions and information kits to support you.

Find a Team Team Meetings Toolkit

Dedicate Luminaria

Purchase individual Luminiaria online Request a Luminaria Package

Need help registering?

See yellow guide buttons on this page for assistance.

Book registration help session