In February 2010 I became very ill with the flu and cold and by April found out I was severely anemic and had to have a blood transfusion. Following this I was recommended to have a colonoscopy and on August 9th my world changed when I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Colorectal Cancer.
The Dr advised by the size of the tumor it had been there between five to seven years. I had no typical symptoms so how at age 44 could I possibly have cancer and not know it!
I had a partial colectomy and had 85% removed and was very thankful and blessed that the cancer had not spread to any of my other organs.
I want to share my story to make people aware that having a Colonoscopy is so important, the recommended age is 50 years old but if you are unsure and have symptoms see your Dr. and voice your concerns.
Had I waited till 50 it would have been too late, early detection is the key so if you are 50 and over get the test!