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First International Centre to achieve:
Tribute to Peter Green
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre Medical Director & Newly Announced CEO Featured in Prestigious Global Publication
Sorry Online donations are closed for this Event - if you would still like to make a donation please email finance@chc.bm or call 236 1001 for payment details
Be apart of Generation Moustache! Men around the globe will be growing a moustache for the 30 days of Movember bringing awareness to men's health. BEPROs very own Matthew Mills, Lloyd Holder, Matthew Ringer, Lauren Joell, Damian Pitcher and Lionel Darrell will be growing their ‘stache’; becoming walking and talking billboards for men’s health. But that’s not all, LaKea Dill our first Mo Sista is also taking part to bring awareness to men’s health. Support our Board members and pledge. Encourage your friends and family to support the cause. But it doesn't stop there: BEPRO and Heineken Light bring to you "CHEERS TO THE MOUSTACHE" A Movember Mixer @ Outback Sports bar on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 from 5:00-10:00pm.**Drink specials**GIVEAWAYS** and so much more! Music provided by D'General!!! Help us raise funds in aid of the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre's Local Mens Health Programme.
Here are some simple steps to get your team involved in Movember this year:
Register your team by clicking the "Sign Up" button above - have an image and description (why you are participating) handy to input
Access internal communications to invite others to begin the moustache movement and join your team
Attend the Movember KickOff Party - NEW Before and After Competition
Create a bit of healthy competition between offices, clients, vendors by getting them to register their own teams
Ask us for some Movember posters to display
Talk to your organisation about DOLLAR MATCHING, this can help double your fundraising efforts
Get a Movember Party pack and host an end of month Mo Party to judge the best Mo in your workplace
Celebrate with us at the MoFinale
Talk to us… let us know what you’re up to and what we can do to help out, we can update your Sponsor Me page at any time. Email us pictures and updates
Help people in our community access life-saving healthcare by making a donation.